オーナーシェフ(創業者) 高岡寛




  • ハラール神戸牛がございます!

  • セットメニューもございます♪

  • ※写真はイメージです。仕入れ状況などにより実際とは異なる場合がございますのでご了承ください。
  • 当店のお肉は全て「ハラール肉」です。

    These are our policies we follow so that our Muslim customers can enjoy our food without worry.

    1. Our restaurant does not have any Halal certificate from any third party.

    2. The kitchen is not exclusively for Muslims.

    3. We use halal certified meat and chicken.

    4. We use halal certified condiments.
    ※We even make sure to check the ingredients of those without halal certificate.

    5. We use separate cutting boards, knifes, and other kitchenware when cooking muslim-friendly menus.

    6. We use the tableware for non-muslim menus as well.
    Disposable plates, cups, forks, knifes, and chopsticks are available upon request.

焼肉の店 ぜろはち 難波OCAT本店 のサービス一覧

焼肉の店 ぜろはち 難波OCAT本店